Gas Stations > 97405 Zip Code

Gas Stations in Your Area (97405 Zip Code)

#1: Amazon Corner [EV Charging]
747 East 32nd Avenue Eugene, OR 97405

#2: Bldg 07 Lot N EVSE [EV Charging]
4000 East 30th Avenue Eugene, OR 97405

#3: Chucks Service Center
2910 Willamette Street Eugene, OR 97405

#4: Exxon #208
86742 McVay Highway Eugene, OR 97405

#5: Forest Village Apartments [EV Charging]
375 Foxtail Drive Eugene, OR 97405

#6: Hilvard Community Center [EV Charging]
2580 Hilyard Street Eugene, OR 97405

#7: Lane Community College [EV Charging]
4000 E 30th Ave Eugene, OR 97405

34901 Frank Parrish Rd Eugene, OR 97405

#9: SeQuential Biofuels
86714 McVay Hwy Eugene, OR 97405

#10: University of Oregon - Streisinger Hall [EV Charging]
1227 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97405

#11: UO-EMU SPENCER VIEW [EV Charging]
2250 Patterson St Eugene, OR 97405

#12: Walgreens - Oregon City, OR #3801 [EV Charging]
1310 Molalla Ave Oregon City, OR 97405


Tools and tips for getting the most MPG out of your vehicle.

  • Gas Savings Tips

    Gas Savings Tips

    Inflating your tires, watching your speed and checking your route are a few examples of how you can save gas. [More coming soon!]

  • Gas Price Averages

    Gas Price Averages

    Charts and prices for the nation. All data is collected from the U.S. Department of Energy.

  • Alternative Fuel

    Alternative Fuel

    Learn about the various sources of fuel that can be used for motor vehicles.